I found this great web page today on how to sand a table. Now, I know that are a lot out there, but for some reason, this one popped up for me today when I typed in "sanding a table". Check it out
As far as not thrift store shopping for Lent, I try hard...I really do. In fact, I force myself to go into them and NOT buy anything that I "want". For instance, the last couple things that I bought there were shoes for my son ($.99 - and they fit him perfectly) and egg beaters (for a project that my daughter and her friends are doing in a few weeks). I see all sorts of REALLY COOL things that I "want" and I don't buy them. However, the hospice thrift store that I frequent had all of their furniture on sale, for 50% off. Seriously. So I wound up paying $2.50 for a side table that I am going to sand and restain. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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