Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Of STARs, Gymnastics, and Lent

My daughter has to take the STAR test in a few weeks. We started reviewing her school lessons this morning. In addition, because her teacher told me that third grade is the first year that the students use a Scantron, I explained to her how a Scantron works. After she completed her Spelling and Grammar lessons, I gave her the first few review questions to answer. Let's just say that I am glad that we are starting to review her lessons now, and not a week before the test begins...

My son had his gymnastics class in the afternoon, which meant a full hour of jumping and tumbling and playing with other children that are just as hyper as he is. I took the following video as he was waiting for his turn at tumbling down the mat. I think it is funny that he can't stay still...

Additionally, Lent started today. It is a period of fasting before Easter. Many give up overindulgences, like alcohol, chocolate, and social networks. I am celebrating Lent this year...Don't worry, I'm not giving up my blogging. (On a tangent, have the Sacramento Kings given up winning????? I mean seriously!) Anyway, I am giving up thrift store shopping, which is ironic, because it is one of the ways that I feel I am giving back to the community. However, my husband is thrilled about it. He thinks I overindulge in this area, so I am happy to sacrifice this for his happiness...

Despite this, my home improvement project continues. I will be buying a can of paint next week at Home Depot for one of the walls. It is moments like this that I am glad that you can't buy a good can of paint at the Salvation Army...Yippee?


  1. Don't give up our thrift stores I have found some great yarn buys there.

  2. I've never found decent yarn, but I have found some patterns and books. I still look though :)
