Pretty pleeeease.....
My kids definitely know what they want. I wish I could say that it is easy to distract the little boy from his current obsession, but it's not. Ever since he found small balls yesterday and I told him that they were for the dogs, he has been talking about playing ball with them. He is sorely disappointed that neither of our dogs play fetch. When I throw the ball for Lucy, she stands in place, looking at me, with eyes asking, "Am I supposed to do something?" My daughter tried to play fetch with Pippin when we first adopted him and he didn't act like he knew what to do with it either. We have never taught the dogs how to fetch. Frankly, I don't have the time and no one else in our household wants the responsibility. Anyway, the dogs don't seem to be less happy because they *can't* fetch; they are perfectly content.
After we came home from our errands today, I made dinner. I enjoy having tea sometimes with my meal. My children asked to share some with me and I was happy to oblige...especially since it took my son's mind off his "fetching doggy".
I opted to make some herbal tea. I chose one from Teavana that is supposed to help calm my nerves, relieve my aches and pains, and relax my body and mind. It smelled so good - chamomile, rose hips, orange blossoms. My little girl marveled that she already felt sleepy. I figured, how perfect...maybe it will help them sleep better. I can only hope...
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